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The Menomonie Athletic Booster Club is made up of parents of MHS athletes, coaches, the Athletic Director, and community supporters of MHS athletics. All money the booster club raises is split between ALL Menomonie High School sports teams.


The mission of the booster club is to promote MHS athletics, help provide needed resources for every team, and support ALL of our student-athletes and coaches.


Since its inception, the booster club has donated over $700,000 to MHS athletics. Our yearly donations help maintain low activity fees for our student-athletes. We also award scholarships to two graduating seniors every spring.  


The club meets the second Wednesday of the month - August through May - at the Stout Craft Co. at 6 pm. All members are welcome to attend. We try very hard to keep the meetings to one hour or less.


We hope to have a parent representative from every sport be an active member and attend most meetings. This parent will act as a liaison between the booster club and the parents of the athletes in that sport.


Our fundraisers throughout the year include:


Annual golf scramble: Held in September at Whitetail Golf Course, this is a 30-team, 18-hole, 4-person golf scramble. The cost is $300 per team and includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and lunch. Area businesses and individuals sponsor holes and donate raffle prizes. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. 


Cribbage Tournament: The cribbage tournament is open to anyone who wants to come and play. It's been held for the past three years at Dean and Sue's in February.


An Evening with the Coaches: This event is held in April. Each varsity coach provides a raffle basket (often, parents help put the basket together; ask your student-athletes coach about it in the spring). This fun evening includes a meal, a special program, basket raffles, and other raffles throughout the evening. Most of the coaches attend, with some serving as celebrity bartenders. 


Alumni Tournaments: This annual spring event has been going on for a long time. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, it returned in April 2023. Alumni sign up teams representing the year(s) they were at MHS and battle it out to be crowned the champions. Men play basketball, and women play volleyball. A very fun tradition!


Concessions, blue seats, and 50/50 raffles at all home varsity football games: (all proceeds go to the booster club and, in turn, are distributed to ALL teams)


  • In exchange for providing volunteers to help run the concessions stand, we split the evening's profits with UW Stout. UW Stout provides all the food and manages the concessions area. 

  • We sell single-game and season passes for the reserved blue seats at the stadium during home games. The blue seats are $5 per game. This is in addition to the admission ticket for the game. Season passes for the blue seats are available for a discounted price per game.

  • Booster club volunteers sell 50/50 raffle tickets before the start of the game. The winner is announced at halftime. 


The booster club relies on donations from our supporting membersBecoming a supporting member is easy; just complete a donation form, either online at our membership page or download the form here. The booster club and MHS athletics appreciate any amount you can donate. 


In addition to finding information on our website, if you are on Facebook, please take a minute to join our Facebook group.

© 2023 by Menomonie Athletic Booster Club Inc.

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